
The bucket list - a start

The thing about bucket lists is that they can grow and shrink over time - some things on the list might fall from favor and other things might be added as one becomes aware of something new, or curious, or rare. So the thing is to be judicious in assigning things to the list - to think carefully about candidates for inclusion - so that the list is made up of things worthwhile and the list doesn't become overly long or unwieldy.

So, in no particular order, the beginnings ...

1. Alaska. The only state I've not set foot in. Go there.
2. A summer in Tuscany.
3. A trip to see the castles on the Rhine.
4. Get another motorcycle.
5. Paint a nude.
6. Take Annie to Maine for lobster.
7. Get at least one book published.
8. Appear in a film.
9. Write a play.
10. Do at least one more play.



Sage Ravenwood said...

Alaska and getting published are two of mine. I've seen some breathtaking vistas of Alaska in pictures and would love to experience it firsthand.(Hugs)Indigo

Unknown said...

I like your list : ) I hope they all come true. Motorcycles make me so nervous.

PattiKen said...

Good list. And if I had a bucket list, some of them would be on mine. But I don't plan on having a bucket, so...

Tara R. said...

You've inspired me, this is a great start to a bucket list. I have to admit I read #5 first as Paint IN THE nude, and thought 'that could be a lot of fun.'

HalfAsstic.com said...

Great list, Lou! And you're right, having it well thought out and not entirely unreasonable makes it more inspiring for you.
When you go to Alaska, you might consider a cruise there. I hear from several people that it is spectacular, and even better than the Caribbean.

Kim - Mommycosm said...

So, when you take Annie to Maine for a lobster, you ARE letting me know. Right? Because I would totally join you :)