
Haiku Friday

Haiku Friday 

Man's higher purpose
Never clear, nor understood
'til, perhaps, too late.

Ndinombethe, ubuntu. (As I go, I am wearing you; I am, because we are.)


PattiKen said...

Presuming man has a purpose...

Maggie Moo said...

I thought of you this morning in my training class because it's Friday and they made us write a Haiku!

I'm going to play this week b/c I have one!

Have a great weekend!

Tara R. said...

Is that purpose to change flat tires?

Maggie Moo said...

Bummer-I messed up my linky so it just says Haiku Friday! LOL!

Karin said...

Finding one's purpose is half the fun...or half the battle!

Nan Sheppard said...

Never too late
To find a purpose
Just keep writing!