
Wordless Wednesday - Grannie

Grannie with Dog

Actually, #2 Son's dog, Jackson
Grannie LOVES Dachshunds

UPDATE: She's still in rehab - and God help us ... she's learning to TEXT!!


NicoleB, Egypt said...

She looks happy with the doggie :D
Does she love wired haired dachsen too?

CaraBee said...

My husband has a phobia about dachsunds. No kidding. It's bizarre.

Hockeymandad said...

So glad she's home!

Tara R. said...

Happiness (and the best medicine) is a warm puppy.

PattiKen said...

Text??? Oh, I LOVE that! You go, Grannie!

I can see you in her face, Lou.

Nan Sheppard said...

TEXTING GRANNIE! I love it. Funny, I changed my fb profile pic today to one of me and my gran!

Holly said...

Yay, Grannie! I'd like to kiss her on the cheek.

Our street is lined with houses that have dachshunds of all kinds. If we ever get a dog, we just might have to get a dachshund too to fit in.

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Oh, Lordy! If she's learning to text, then you MUST get her on "The Twitter" (thank you Betty White!).

Lisa Lehmann @StudioJewel said...

awww...i LOVE it!

Jientje said...

I agree with PattiKen. You and Grannie are two drops of water.

Never too old to learn new stuff eh Grannie?

HalfAsstic.com said...

Great! Now, I have a face to put to her!
(I love dachshunds, too!)

Mrs4444 said...

OMIGOSH! I would LOVE it if my mom would be open to technology (my MIL, too, for that matter.) I hope she's doing better.