
Monday 21 Jan

First of all, my friend Siobhan, at the blog which is here, needs some lovin'. Click on the link and go read her Haiku Friday. Her Saturday entry is worth a read, as well, which is why I didn't just link directly to the Friday Haiku.

Yes, it's Monday. Start of another work week. Except for the Green Bay Packers (who are so well loved here in Bear country - Illinois - Chicago - yes, I am a Bear's fan) who get to clean out their lockers and go home to watch the SuperBowl. Sorry Brett, but I shed no tears. On the other hand, that crafty old codger may have been the only chance that the NFC would have had against Tom Terrific. I don't think Eli will hold up. Given that most of my audience is on the distaff side, I guess that's enough football.

I am going to a nearby Blick's store tonight, after work. There is an art class there on Monday nights and I am going to observe the class to see if I want to jump in and participate. There is so much I don't know - I don't know how much I don't know. I know - it's an old joke, but it's TRUE. I know so little of technique. It's one thing to read about it in a book but quite another to try to put it to canvas. I need a teacher. I need to be SHOWN. That's just the way I am. My learning has always been very visual.

I just want my next painting to be better than the one I'm working on. Always.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the nod, you a. sweet man, Lou

Momisodes said...

Oh I can absolutely relate to not knowing how much I don't know. I feel the same way about technical things online. I can wing it sometimes and try to make things work. But I'd love to really understand how the correct process of doing certain things is.

Good for you for stopping in. I hope you find it insightful and jump in.

Anonymous said...

I sign the part with not knowing ;)
Hope you had fun!

*Off to visit a different Brit*