
Never Enough Wimmens

I met up with Ree, The Hotfessional, at a restaurant downtown last evening. She was there with Kristabella, of Full Of Snark, whom I had never met before. I had read some of her - but never met her IRL. Until last night.

I love the fact that the people you read online and the people you meet in real life are almost always the same in both worlds. THAT'S what I love most about blogging. The people - and having the chance to meet people in person. A long time ago this blogging thing became way less than 'all about me' and became more of an 'all about us'. You and me, us. Not 'us' as in all of the bloggers in the world 'us' - but you and me 'us'. Personal.

And I like it that way.

I like this young woman. She is strong and articulate and I get the feeling she's not going to take any shit from anybody.

I like that.

And once again I remember why I close my posts the way I do.

Because it's true.



Holly said...

Cool! Someday I'll have a bloggy meetup. I had three almost-meetups this year so far ... including you!

Audubon Ron said...

Sounds like fun. I didn't know we had to be the same in real life. Back to the laboratory for me.

Shadow said...

it's encouraging to hear people are who they are on their blogs. i've heard and been warned with horror stories of meeting people from the web, and here you go, proving my faith in humanity isn't completely off-track.

moneythoughts said...

I hear you, and I agree that actually meeting these people in person is nice. But, for me, the beauty of blogging is reading and seeing (art work) of people you may never have the opportunity to meet in person. Given that most of us can not afford to fly around the world meeting everyone we "meet" blogging, the Internet in its own way has brought us together in a global "village". For me the potential to share ideas, and bring change to the world is the powerful tool blogging provides.

OHmommy said...

Yes. That is why blogging is so cool. Im glad you had a chance to meet up. See you in July?

Momisodes said...

I couldn't agree more with your philosophy on blogging. I can't wait to meet more bloggers next month...Including you! Glad you had a chance to meet up.

Expat No. 3699 said...

You just keep adding more notches to your belt. Just wait until BlogHer!

Wait. What? said...

I think Blogher will be a great opportunity to meet and greet more!

Anonymous said...

I was telling somebody the other day that the beauty of blogging is that you can "be anybody you want to be". I guess most people choose to be themselves. I'd like to believe that my blog is the really "shallow" me, and that I've got much more depth, but let's face it... I'm just as scattered IRL and getting more so every day.

Kristabella said...

Wow, I have you fooled, don't I? :)

Very nice to meet you last night! See you at BlogHer for sure!

Anonymous said...

In 2005, I met up with a group of people I'd "known" for years in a Buddhist discussion room. They were all wonderful, and very much like they were online. While I do not believe that is always the case, I was very glad it was so in my particular case.
Glad you've had great experiences as well. ~Mary

Joyce-Anne said...

It's nice to put the face with the bloggy voice. One of these days, I hope to get the same chance.