
Wordless Wednesday - marbles

The Elgin Marbles

These are what Greece wants England to give back.



moneythoughts said...

I am on the side of giving back art and artifacts to their original owners, if that can be established. In the case of the Elgin Marbles, everyone knows they came from Greece. Case closed.

Momisodes said...

I can certainly see why. They're amazing.

Anonymous said...

I can see why! I'd want them back, too.

Wait. What? said...

very cool.

Shadow said...

those on the sides of the wall?

Shadow said...


witchypoo said...

I'm guessing everyone is so over the whole 'spoils of war' thing then?

Expat No. 3699 said...

I'd want them back too.

Unknown said...

Nice ones :)!
Well, if everyone would give back what they stole centuries ago, tourism would be worth the while for some countries again and others wouldn't get any tourists any more *grin*

Nan Sheppard said...

The Greeks have lost their marbles!!! Bwahahahaa!

Joyce-Anne said...

Nan is soooo funny.

Marble is expensive, if someone had mine, I'd want it back too. :)

Holly said...

No wonder. Those are really cool -- and it's great you got to photograph them.