
Haiku Friday

Haiku Friday 

Holidays approach
One son moved away too far
Minus one, first time.

Ndinombethe. Ubuntu.

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PattiKen said...

Ah, Lou. Minus too many. :-(

Laura said...

So sorry Lou. Being a "child" who moved away, I know it is hard for my family of origin when we can't make it to every holiday. And at the same time, in some ways this has made us closer than we were before.

Tara R. said...

Holidays are difficult once your kids get all grown up. We'll have a Plus-One this year with our daughter's new swain.

carol l mckenna said...

ah, yes, 'transitional stages of life' ~ lovely haiku with honest emotions ~ Holidays are a 'mixed bag' at best at times.

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol