

My Twin Sister (separated by birth, distance and parentage) Patti introduced me to a poetic form from Spain called "Shadorma", a syllabic poem which has six lines - (a sextet) with a syllable pattern: 3/5/3/3/7/5.

I promised I'd give it a whack - so here goes.

Love women,
Young, Old, In Between,
Blonde, Brunette,
Redhead, and
Raven Headed women, too.
They nourish my soul.



Grandmother Mary said...

Smart man!

PattiKen said...

Indeed. Smart and talented too. Mwah!

Tara R. said...

Patti is just encouraging you to better yourself, like any good sister does.

Holly said...

Cool, I've never heard of a shadorma.

So is your girl still gone and that has you thinking about women? Heh.

Take care....