
Haiku Friday

Haiku Friday 

It's Friday again ...
These days roll around too quick.
Makes me age faster.


Post a link to YOUR Haiku in the Blog Hop below:


Tara R. said...

I don't mind Fridays so much when they're paydays.

barbara said...

lol at Tara - you get paid every Friday? I get paid twice a month - 5th and 20th - LOVE those days. :)

Lou - hope you're enjoying the CootScoot.

Marla Mayes said...

Hi there!

I just stumbled across this "Haiku Friday" link on the Thin Spiral blog and just thought of something...

I've written a whole 1 haiku via my writing venue on Yahoo! Voices Poetry
and haiku is popular there.

The poetry writers are always looking for places to self-promote them, as they don't get paid other than .001 cent per page view or something paltry like that.

I don't know how many of them have their own blogs for promoting their work, but I can post a link to this Haiku Friday thing in their Poetry discussion board, if that's ok with you?

I think Haiku Friday is such a great idea, would just be great to get more haiku writers participating! Anyway, just a thought...