
The first hundred miles

There  are now just over 100 miles on the new scooter.  FUN!!!  I LOVE riding that thing.  And you know what?

When you ride, and it's cool outside ... and you haven't really dressed warmly enough ... and you stop somewhere to show your scooter to a friend so you have to get off the scoot ... when you dismount the scoot and you step to one side and put your legs together ... It's a SURPRISE.  It's like crossing your legs on ICE CUBES. 

Your junk gets COLD.  If you have junk, that is.  I have no idea what happens when a lady rides.

Anyway, today I changed the coolant in the engine and I needed to ride it far enough to make sure i didn't have any air trapped in the cooling system.  I don't.

Tomorrow morning I'm going to change the engine oil, and Monday, after I drive the scoot home from work, I will change the gear oil and at that time I will be rid of all Chinese fluids.

So far, it seems the scoot will EASILY do 65 or 70 miles per hour - there's room left in the throttle at 70, but I didn't want to push it too hard - not yet.

I did have a minor disaster today.  I lost the trunk off the back end of the scoot doing 60 down Illinois Highway 31 just outside Oswego.  My fault, really.  I used the hardware supplied by the manufacturer when I put it all together.  The nuts shook loose - and the trunk came off.  I made my way to an Ace Hardware Store (I really love Ace), bought a new set of bolts and locknuts, screwed everything together like it should have been done in the first place, and now that thing is NEVER going anywhere - unless I take it off on purpose.

Tomorrow I'm going to drive the scoot downtown.  Just because I can.



Tara R. said...

Next thing you know, you'll want to take scoot to Sturgis.