
Thuggery , Photo365, Day 42

That disturbing video raised its ugly little head, again. That one where the gang of kids beats up the one black kid. The one where the kid in kicks the victim in the face and he falls backwards.

The "kicker" got out of jail last night. He's 17 years old. He's somebody's kid. In fact, his father is a Law Enforcement Officer. In fact, his father is the one who turned him in. He's home on house arrest.

He's a kid. A student. A thug. He's lucky he's not mine.

Annie's Shot with My Camera


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Jientje said...

You two go photohunting together? So do we! We're headed for the harbor of Antwerp tomorrow. Looking forward to it! Annie did great!

PattiKen said...

Nice photo, Annie. But I bet there's still nobody home... ;-)

Sage Ravenwood said...

The kid is lucky he isn't mine either. Makes me wonder if even tough love is enough. There is no filter for someone who participates in violence and passes it for entertainment.

Excellent picture Annie!

Tara R. said...

Ditto... the kid should never be out of jail this soon.

Big Mark 243 said...

The kid is a product of his environment... it is unfortunate that he wasn't your kid or my brother... then his story would have never occurred...

... I wonder how active and how much his parents imprinted on him..? At some point it is still on him, but I am jus' sayin'...