
Haiku Friday

Winter refuses
To let loose it's grip on us.
It's Spring, but delayed.

Please note - there is a page with guidelines for Haiku Friday. The link is on top of the right sidebar of this page.

Please leave a link to YOUR Haiku in comments.


Brandie sat across from me and slightly to my left
at the Meetup last Saturday.
Don't let that angelic face fool you.
The woman can Hold Her Own.



Nan Sheppard said...

I am sunburned, dude
Sending you Spring vibes from here
What a bad haiku!

Unknown said...

Oh man, this Hiaku speaks volumes! It's currently raining here as I type & we have another threat of snow! Off to write my haiku!!

Unknown said...

There is no more Spring
Winter drags on too long now
It's just cold and wet

Debra Gray-Elliott said...

Beautiful! Here's mine

Expat No. 3699 said...

I've heard about the crappy weather you've been having. If it's any consolation the extreme heat I'm experiencing isn't much better...and it's not even summer yet.

Maude Lynn said...

Beautiful haiku!

Tara R. said...

Sending you some Florida Sunshine. Hope your Spring, springs very soon.

My haiku is here: Meeting God

PattiKen said...

Yours is the third post I've read today bemoaning the Spring that won't.

It's 81 here this morning...

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

But she sure is sweet.

Mrs4444 said...

As a Wisconsinite, I definitely relate to this one! Today, thankfully, most of the 8 inches from earlier this week has melted :)

Happy Spring!

Big Mark 243 said...

I had heard that Brandie is a fine girl and that her eyes could steal a sailor from the sea..! So I believe that she can more than hold her own..!