
Wordless Wednesday - Blizzard

The Blizzard of '11

Taken from my front porch
at 10:30 PM on Tuesday Evening.
The light on the left is in my front yard.
The two lights on the right are my neighbor
across the street.
I used flash so you could see the snow.
It's pretty much all you DO see.



Shadow said...

brrrrrrrrr. have some hot cocoa!

~L said...

groundhog day dump...stay warm inside and keep us posted from chitown please.

CaraBee said...

Looks like a good day to stay inside to me. Get a fire going, sip some hot cocoa and enjoy.

Jientje said...

Stay warm!

Hockeymandad said...

Stay warm or come down here, gonna be in the low 70's today. We have those clouds over us now as well, only not nearly to the same effect.

PattiKen said...

Yikes. And brrr...

Tara R. said...

I started collecting names people were using to describe the storm... I'm up to at least 15. My favorite so far was SnotoriousBIG.

Your Florida vacation can't come soon enough. Stay safe and warm.

Holly said...

Well, that way it looks kind of pretty. :)