
The best laid ...

... plans of mice and men.

I fell asleep last night. At the keyboard. When I woke, around midnight, with my laptop trying to cook its way through my lap to the floor, I found I was too groggy to work on Sarah so I said to myself, "Self, go to sleep and do it in the morning."

Good plan, right?

But early this morning (WAY too early this morning) Mark was on his way to work and hit a deer.

I got up and drove my car to where he was, swapped cars with him, and then drove back home in his injured car.

I'm so tired I can't think straight.




Big Mark 243 said...

wow... hope the damage to Mark's car isn't too bad. But that repair bill is going to hurt to look at even with insurance covering the damage!

Jientje said...

Poor deer. But I'm glad Mark is OK. It could have been a lot worse. And you're such a great friend, always ready to help out. Have a great Sunday Lou.

Karen MEG said...

Oh, that is too bad for the deer - glad that Mark wasn't hurt. And lucky that you were available to help. Hopefully the car isn't too bad off.

Hope have to be get un-tired enough to enjoy the rest of the long weekend, Lou.

~L said...

Hope Mark is not hurt. Enjoy your holiday and keep track of your butt and boobs.

Gretchen said...

Wow, glad to hear that Mark and the car both survived.

Our VW Jetta met an untimely death when my husband swerved to miss a doe - and wrapped himself around a streetlight. Of course the doe happily bounced away.

PattiKen said...

I hope Mark is OK. When my daughter hit a deer (she was shaken up, but OK), the car was totaled. Sounds like Mark's car fared a little better.

The 4th is a good day to rest. I hope you will.