
I'm still glad I'm irish

Actually, I was a bit surprised that Notre Dame looked as bad as they did in the first half of the game last night.  That said - they'll be back.  I hope next time they won't be as physically overmatched as they were last night.

The big surprise, for me, was how OLD Brent Musberger  has become.  How old he LOOKS.  When did all that happen?  He's not that much older than me and I don't look like that.  Or do I?


While sitting around the house contemplating my navel after the game last night, I realized there's a word that those of us of a certain age are concerned about.  A word that's difficult to find, existing in most of us as a vague unease that pokes at us without identifying itself.  That word is Relevance.  That's what we want, what we need, what we pursue.

To feel Relevance.  To BE Relevant.  And the older we get, the farther ahead of us (or perhaps it's behind us) Relevance gets.

Somehow, it doesn't seem fair.  For me OR Notre Dame.
