
Monday Meanders 1-10

Except for the stuff related to Type II Diabetes and the stent in my heart, for the most part, I don't take drugs. I usually don't have to take pain relievers and I seldom need or use anti-inflammatory meds. So the effects of the stuff I've been taking to help me through these bruised ribs have been a surprise. And the biggest effect has been the loopy stuff and the inability to recollect time - specifically, it took me a few minutes, yesterday, to figure out that tomorrow will be two weeks since I fell. I mean, I really had a difficult time - I'd thought it was only a week - but then I realized it had to be two. I've never, EVER, lost track of time like that before. I'm pretty sure it was the Celebrex. That and the weight gain.

On the other hand, Tylenol 3 is magical stuff. It will make your pain go away - if only for a little while.

At one time or another I had all three sons in the house over the weekend. Separately, I admit. But all three. That, too, happens too seldom anymore. It was nice.

Bitsy showed up too. (DIL, for those of you who don't know.)

I am constantly impressed by how good #2 Son looks in a suit. He should be a lawyer. Females on a jury wouldn't stand a chance.

Pitchers and Catchers report on February 18th. I can't wait. Go Cubs!

This is really meandering, eh? I ought to do one of those 'Stream of Consciousness' posts like I used to do. They were fun.

I slept well last night. Finally.



Shadow said...

flow on, thoughts, flow on...

Tara R. said...

Stream of Consciousness can be very cathartic. Glad your on the mend, and that you're sleeping better.

moneythoughts said...

Hope you are feeling better.

UNITED lost my bag in Chicago and now they don't know where it is, and I'm in LA. Some kind of airline! : )

Heather said...

I'm glad that you're feeling better, and finally got a whole night's sleep.

PS: LOVED the latest installment of Sarah!

Joyce-Anne said...

A full night's sleep can work wonders. I'm glad to hear you're starting to feel better.

calicobebop said...

Yay for a good night's sleep! As for losing track of time - I do it all the time. I'm not sure where it gets to - but I seem to lose track of it A LOT!

Jientje said...

I love your meandering posts, it's nice to know what's going on in your life. I'm glad you enjoyed your sons, the love of your family is one of the most important things in life. I'm glad you're feeling better and I hope you'll sleep even better tonight than you did yesterday.

Perplexio said...

I'm not a Cubs fan (nor a White Sox fan for that matter) but I am interested to see how the new ownership fares and whether or not that new blood will spell the beginning of a positive change for the Cubs.

If the Blackhawks can change their fortunes as quickly as they have (not even making the playoffs in 2008 to making it to the Conference Finals in 2009 and leading their division (and at times their conference) in 2010) then why not the Cubs too, eh?

CaraBee said...

The one and only time I took Tylenol 3 I swear I hallucinated. It was like some crazy acid trip. And the pain? All gone. Glad you got some sleep.

I have three sisters and it has been 7 years since the last time we were all together at the family homestead. It's tough with us all over the country. Enjoy those together moments.

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Christmas, 2000. I remember nothing about the holiday that year because I had bronchitis and two bruised ribs from coughing so hard. My doctor, bless him, prescribed this sugary-thickly-gritty-yellowy-sweet cough syrup. And my ass? Slept for two solid weeks. It was blissful.

Wish I could remember the name of it. Heavenly stuff.

Anonymous said...
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PattiKen said...

Sleep is also magical stuff. I'm so glad you got some.

And I agree - let your consciousness stream on.

Holly said...

Glad you got some rest. I didn't know about the diabetes or the stent. You gotta take care of yourself! Nice to have your boys at home.

Momisodes said...

Tylenol 3 is pretty powerful stuff.

I really hope you're feeling better and those ribs are healing.

witchypoo said...

Sure hope this mends soon. You be having repeat problems with rib bruisings.

Unknown said...

I liked this stream of consciousness post a lot.