
100 Word Challenge - Lemonade

What follows is in response to the '100 Word Challenge' authored by the tasty Velvet Verbosity. The word today is "Lemonade".

100 Word Challenge

"What I remember most about Momma is her lemonade. That tall, cool pitcher of the sweetest lemonade, on a hot summer's day ...."

"I remember, too. But she's dead now. I know it's unpleasant, but we've got to go through her house and get it ready to sell."

Two sisters. Grown and different women now. They went into the house with bags and boxes. To fill and take away. They emptied closets. And dresser drawers. They packed up room after room. For hot, sweaty hours.

"Last room. Kitchen."

They stepped into the kitchen.

Sitting on the counter, like all those years ago, was a tall pitcher of cold, sweet, lemonade.


p.s. I'm not very happy with the photograph from yesterday - or at least the way it looks in the post. I am going to do some post-processing and fix it - and re-publish next week.

p.p.s. I really need to thank Loralee for this ps thing. It works great.


Patsy said...

Nice one, Lou. I posted 100 words too. Can't seem to get more than that organized and written. I keep saying maybe tomorrow. I have ideas, I just don't write.

Joyce-Anne said...

Not only a 100 word challenge but in the form of a ghost story too. Cool.

Speaking of which, will you re-publish the ghost story from last Halloween? Please.

Loralee Choate said...

I could write 100 words about how awesome the post script is. :)

Nan Sheppard said...

Oh I LOVE the ghost story! You know I do!

Shadow said...

what a story! still got goosebumps...

Heather said...

Perfection, Lou. Makes me long for some lemonade too ;)


moneythoughts said...

Your story about lemonade and death reminds me of Wallace Stevens and his poem about ice cream and death. Take a look at his poem "The Emperor of Ice Cream".

Well done.

~*Karra*~ said...

Kinda creepy...:)

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Oooo! A ghostly tale! I love it!

That One said...

Ghostly lemonade! Creepy! And heartrendingly poignant. All in 100 words. Genius.

Velvet Verbosity said...

A mama never gives up caring for her children. ;)

Jientje said...

I love the little surprises you always seem to build in at the end.
I love your writing.

Sage Ravenwood said...

Eerily splendid! Loved it! (Hugs)Indigo

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

Don't DRINK IT! Haunted lemonade!

Anonymous said...

I love the way your mind works, Lou.

CaraBee said...

Another great one, Lou!! Didn't see the ending coming. Love the spooky stuff! (she says as she is watching Ghosthunters)

Unknown said...

Haha...very nice, Lou. I would've totally wrote a post about a lemonade stand.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I like this.

Momisodes said...

There's nothing like a tall glass of lemonade.
A sweet nostalgic piece.