

I thought I had really gone and done it, this time. I had written a post where I, essentially, did some crying in my beer about how tough it is to design a site. There are a number of technologies at work in a web site - especially a blog. First is HTML - Hypertext Markup Language. Markup languages are as old as publishing itself. Markups, originally, were editor marks on submitted copy which would tell the typesetter how the copy was to be set - font, size, positioning, etc., were all determined by the editors marks. HTML does that for the web. Second is XML. Extensible Markup Language is a superset of and extension of HTML. And then there's CSS. Cascading Style Sheets control the look and feel of a web page, regardless of content. Anyway, I had written the post and then tried to set it up for publishing and it was GONE!!! I had screwed up my template and it blew away my ability to publish a post.


I have figured out, as you can see, the error of my ways. What you see is plain and simple and for now, it works. It took HOURS to get this set up and I have a new found respect for those who do this on purpose. My computer skills lie in making systems work, and talk to each other. Applications are not usually anything I admit to knowing anything about. If you ask me, I still don't know anything about this process, but I was able to stumble through this and get it done.

I found a simple template, added a sidebar because there was only one (and I wanted two) and figured out how to change templates in Blogger without losing your widgets. I did NOT want to have to try to re-construct all my sidebar stuff.

And it took HOURS.

I will eventually rebuild a nicer looking site.



Jientje said...

It takes hours, and it's the scariest part, I know. I was lucky to have someone helping me, could not do it on my own.

It looks a bit plain now, but the main thing is what you put on the pages. Your pictures and you words are never plain. Have a great fourth of July!

witchypoo said...

Not enamored of blogspot in general. I prefer being self-hosted. Presently am using my blog server to upload sound files for clients as the previous one became unstable. CSS is one of the easier languages to learn.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

The site's "clean," and clean is good. :)

Not that your old design wasn't... but. You now what I mean -- I hope.

I bought the Thesis theme for Wordpress at Thanksgiving. I've not done a darned thing with it since the 2nd day I had it. My blog's design is definitely underachieving. But it's clean, too. :)

Ashlie- Mommycosm said...

That is exactly why my site won't be changing any time soon;)

Good luck, Lou. It's a frustrating process.

Ree said...

Hey, I AM an app person, and I'm scared to mess with my template!

At least you're still with us. ;-)

Sage Ravenwood said...

I have been there. I desperately want to change my layout, but I know all the work that goes into it and I don't have the time nor the heart to do so right now. I'm happy with whatever you have here dear friend, as long as I can read you. (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

And this is the #1 reason that I modify my template once in a blue moon!!

Myst_72 said...

As long as you're still here, that's all that matters to me Lou :)
