
A little STUFF

In just a little over two weeks, BlogHer starts. I don't have a ticket, but I'm beginning to think I may not need one. I'm going to the People Party on Thursday evening. On Thursday morning, I'm picking up an attendee at O'Hare, and late Thursday afternoon, I will pick up two more and take them to the hotel. I will be around the periphery of the conference for the duration. Me and my camera. I hope I get to see everybody I want to see. I hope those who have expressed a notion that they'd like to meet up with me have a chance to do so, as well. Of course, that's pretty much everybody I want to see anyway, so hopefully, everybody gets their wish.

Cubs win, again. Emily. She's a Cubs fan, like me. Actually, she's not like me at all. First of all, she's a girl. And she's young. And pretty.

I had to go to Naperville this evening. #3 Son left his Calculus Book at home when I took him back to school yesterday - so guess who made the trip - with book in hand? The good part of that was that I had a little time to spend in the Barnes&Noble Booksellers store there, where I picked up a book on XHTML, HTML and CSS. And a book on GIMP - the open source Photoshop workalike. Because GIMP is free and CS4 is like 800 dollars. Easy choice.

It's still a bit strange doing today's post in the evening - especially after posting the other way for a year and a half. I'll get used to it.

Oh, and one more thing. Well, two more actually. First - 'One Knight's Story' will soon be back on weekends. And Second - I will soon start feeding in bits of 'Vigilante - The Sarah Pierce Story', the story which follows 'The Kid'. Like Fred says - stay tuned.



Audubon Ron said...

I see you've changed the look of your site. You'll be moviong to Wordpress soon. I just feel it. I have a 2" thick CSS book next to my bed. A long with all the other reading.

Audubon Ron said...

I see you've changed the look of your site. You'll be moviong to Wordpress soon. I just feel it. I have a 2" thick CSS book next to my bed. A long with all the other reading.

Audubon Ron said...

Sorry for the double comment. Your site is unusually problematic tonight.

witchypoo said...

So, basically, you'll be the BlogHer chauffeur/photographer? I might want to go if it was non-stop pajamas. All this fashionista stuff drops me in my tracks.

Shadow said...

great news that. looking forward to the sarah pierce story!

Joyce-Anne said...

I was wondering when the stories would return. However, I didn't ask because I knew you'd write when the muse told you to. Looking forward to reading both stories.

Expat No. 3699 said...

I can't believe BlogHer is in two weeks. I'm sure I'll see you at the People's Party...that is if I can make it through the throng of women you'll be surrounded by!

Unknown said...

Oh, looking forward to more stories!
And looking forward as well to your pics from BlogHer :D!

Momisodes said...

I am getting major jitters already. There is so much still left to do!!!

I can hardly wait to meet you and others though. I just shot you over an email :)

KG said...

I'll admit i think BlogHer sounds a bit boring - except the meeting people part. I think you're getting the best of it without your ticket!

Emily/Randomability said...

I really like putting blue smilie faces on the schedule rather than pink X's. ROFL!!! June has too many pink X's. :(

Anonymous said...

I agree with Trannyhead.

Loraine said...

Cool! Now... where do I get a copy of GIMP? I don't have photoshop. Usually I think I do fine without it, but power lines are really pissing me off...

Jientje said...

Just make sure you make a lot of pictures! I wish I could be there ...

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Dude. I NEED GIMP. And I'd never heard of it before. Who says blogs aren't educational?

Ree said...

Okay, so you're not a girl, but you're pretty!

Unknown said...

Audubon Ron: Actually, I have a Wordpress site, where I am gathering my fiction. Maybe. I have been told that maybe that's not a good idea. Theft and all that. (x2)

Audubon Ron: As always.

Witchypoo: You can wear PJ's, as far as I'm concerned. AND - you wouldn't be required to wear an over-shoulder boulder-holder, either.

Shadow: It's been sitting too long. It may be like good wine. It's time.

Joyce-Anne: Thank you, Joyce-Anne. Soon.

Employee: Just the thought sends shivers down my spine.

NicoleB: Plenty of both forthcoming.

Momisodes: I know - I'm getting a bit nervous, too.

Trannyhead: Me too.

Emily: No more PINKIES!!!

Hyphen Mama: Me, too.

Loraine: I sent you the link for GIMP. And I will post it tonight.

Jientje: I will take lots.

Rebecca: I sent you the link - and, of course, Ed has it.

Ree: You think so? I need more hair. And less belly.

Tara R. said...

I can't wait to finally meet you too. I'm also getting a little nervous... it's like meeting a bunch of celebrities and I'm just the groupie.

Secret Agent Mama said...

You will be the first person I meet in this whole Blogher experience. That speaks volumes to me!

Unknown said...

Luckiest ladies ever to have 'The' LouCeeL escort them to BlogHer. Seriously...you're the man, Lou.

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

How did you end up being a chauffeur? That is incredibly nice of you. I'll be looking for that "Lou" nametag!

Maggie's Mind said...

Yay for escorting some of the ladies to BlogHer! Getting to meet you was awesome, and I'm sure they will love you. I'll be up by the airport that Friday night, so close but so far away from the main event, but I hope to get to meet anyone who feels like making the trek back out that way for a drink or three.