
Wordless Wednesday - Friends

Bitsy and Friend


witchypoo said...

Generally, butterflies and moths make poor friends. They die if you touch their wings.

Wait. What? said...

Nice picture! That thing is huge!

Kim said...

I had no idea butterflies die if you touch their wings.. you learn something new everyday..

Very pretty!!

Expat No. 3699 said...

Very pretty. Both Bitsy and the butterfly.

Maggie's Mind said...

Aw, such a great shot!

Secret Agent Mama said...

She's adorable!!

Nan Sheppard said...

The butterfly is the same colour as her hair...

Tara R. said...

Wonderful capture! Both Bitsy and the Butterfly are so pretty.

Joyce-Anne said...

Great capture. I imagine, you werepoised camera it in hand and at the ready for such a shot like this.

Loraine said...

Love the big furry moths!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Isn't it supposed to be some kind of good luck if a butterfly lands on you?

Bitsy is just as cute as a button, isn't she?

Unknown said...

Witchypoo: Hmmm. In that case, I guess I've killed any number of butterflies.

Cat: Yeah - it is a big one, ain't it?

Kim: I agree - very pretty. I had no idea about touching their wings, either.

Employee: Yeah, they ARE both cute.

Maggie's Mind: Thank you, Maggie.

S.A.M.: Bitsy? Or the bug? And how can you tell if the bug is a girl?

Nan: They are pretty close in color, aren't they?

Tara R: Yes, they are. Both.

Joyce-Anne: Exactly. I was READY!

Loraine: Moth?

Hyphen Mama: Yes and yes.

Holly said...

She must have held her breath while the butterfly was sitting on her!

Unknown said...

That's cute :D!