An amazing ride, at least,
It has gone so fast.
Thirty Two short years,
Since we married each other,
On June Twenty Fifth.
That's when WE started,
Nineteen Seventy Seven,
St. Edmund's, Oak Park.
You wore that cream dress,
I wore that terrible tux,
I was so nervous.
But we got through it,
And it's been Us, ever since.
It always will be.
I love you so much,
And I know I always will,
Just like you love me.
Very nice Lou. Very beautiful.
happy anniversary!!!!!
Have a Happy Anniversary!!!
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary to you and Annie. Robert and I will celebrate our 31 on August 31.
Happy 'Annie'versary!
Happy Anniversary Lou and Annie!
(Lou. Dude. Robbed the cradle didn't you?)
Awww - Happy Anniversary :)
Beautiful - happy anniversary to you both.
Lovely tribute - your wife is a lucky lady.
June was a excellent month for weddings. Congrats to you and your lady.
happy anniversary, and well done - thanks for the words on winning, I am just going to enjoy like in the now.
Lifes about enjoying now in it
Happy 32 Years to you both!!
Look at you in that photo... looking to the heavens thanking god for your wonderful Annie! Congratulations on 32 years!
It was meant to be... you and Annie.
Aw, Happy Anniversary. You guys are still so cute together.
Moneythoughts: Thank you, Fred.
Shadow: Thank you, Shadow.
Joyce-Anne: We did, thanks.
Patsy: You go girl!! Congratulations.
Employee: She says "Thanks".
Ree: You DO know you're only 3.5 years younger than she is, right?
Ashlie: Thank you, Ashlie.
Casdok: Thank you, Sweetheart.
Jabblog: She is nowhere near as lucky as I am.
Tara R: Thank you, Tara.
Michael: Yes, Michael. Exactly.
Hyphen Mama: Yeah - it was kinda fated, I think.
Maggie's Mind: Awww shucks. Thank you, Maggie.
Awesome -- and wishing you thirty two more!
Hugs to you both!
Hope you had a great day!
HOW did I miss this!??! I am so sorry I have been so out of touch.
I hope you both had a lovely anniversary. As always, you've haiku'd this day so beautifully.
Happy Anniversary Lou! Love the poem. She's a lucky gal.
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