
THE weekend

It's Memorial Day weekend.

I have never liked this moving of the holiday celebrations to Monday. It just never feels right. The 31st of May is supposed to be the day. That's always the way it was. Until it got changed.

I know it makes a long weekend.

But it still ain't right.

I'm just sayin'.



Jientje said...

Still, I hope you'll enjoy it! It's a beautiful day today ...

Audubon Ron said...

Why do we only get a day? Why not two? It could take me several days to remember things.

Nan Sheppard said...

I can't even remember what we're supposed to be remembering. But I don't have a long weekend so I won't strain myself!

KG said...

The long weekend is HAWT!

MissyBoo said...

Enjoy the long weekend, its always better when it's a long one :)

Bama Cheryl said...

I agree with you -- it just doesn't feel right to move holidays from their rightful days for the convenience of the working public. I feel the same way about President's Day.

Tara R. said...

Hope you still have a restful weekend.

Joyce-Anne said...

Hmm, I never knew that Memorial Day used to be the 31st. Now I know. Have a good weekend.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I can see what you mean. I'm sure I'd feel similarly if at some point the government made a day to remember September 11, 2001, always the 2nd Tuesday in September, for instance.