
The Great Reset

Those of you who know me, or know OF me, probably know a little of the changes in direction my life has taken in the last couple of years.  The eventual end of my marriage, which came about last July, was predictable as of January, 2013.

During that time of stress, I packed on some pounds.  i got up to 250 pounds.  I was a tubby.

Over time I have managed to lose a lot of the excess weight that contributed to a diagnosis of Type II Diabetes, and Ischemic Heart Disease.  I'm now about 200 pounds, give or take a pound or two - I seem to have gotten stuck at a plateau.  My goal is to get down to 180.

At my maximum, I sported a 42 inch waist leaning toward a 44.  And all of my shirts read "XL" on their tags.  But no more.

I'm giving my "XL" shirts to Goodwill.  My 42 inch pants, as well.  And I'm replacing them with shirts marked "L".  And with pants at 36.  And another 10 pounds and the pant will be 34.

The wardrobe is being reset.

And so is my life.  I guess I'm starting over.


Ndinombethe.  Ubuntu.


HalfAsstic.com said...

Congratulations are in order for you, Lou. I, for one, am proud of the new, healthier you.

HalfAsstic.com said...

Congratulations are in order for you, Lou. I, for one, am proud of the new, healthier you.

Jientje said...

You're doing great. You''ll get your life together again, I just know it!

Tara R. said...

Good for you! 2015 is going to be a banner year for you.