
Traumatic Tuesday

Yes.  Trauma.

It's colonoscopy day.  And endoscopy day.

Last night, about 5pm, I poured 6 ounces of 'stuff' in a container, added 10 ounces of water and drank it all down.  All that foul tasting stuff.

Within the next 60 minutes, I had to drink two more 16 ounce containers of water.  (at least there was no more of that foul stuff)

Then there was another 6 ounces of 'stuff' this morning at 5am, and 10 ounces of water.  Followed on by 2 more 16 ounce waters.

Between last night and this morning there were more visits to Mrs. Murphy than I could count.  I swear WAY more came out than went in.

What I can't quite figure out is how I'm supposed to make it from the house to the hospital given the constant need for porcelain.

We'll see.

Ndinombethe, ubuntu.


PattiKen said...

Been there, done that. One of the many indignities of aging, huh? Good luck for good results.

Tara R. said...

Yep... prep is far worse than the procedure. Good luck.

Jientje said...

My dad is having his colonoscopy tomorrow. keeping my fingers crossed as O do for you too!