
Monday Meanders

Matt Kuchar won the Accenture Match Play in Tuscon, yesterday.  Given the conditions (snow on Friday, wind and cold on Sunday) I'm surprised they even finished.

Curtis Granderson, of the Yankees, was injured, over the weekend.  He'll be out, probably, through the month of April.  Given the sorry state the Yankees find themselves in (too many power hitters gone from the lineup), don't be surprised if they find a way to make a deal with the Cubs for Alphonso Soriano.  You saw it here, first.

Wonderful weekend.  Had a late lunch/early dinner with friends that LM(Love Muffin) and I haven't seen, as a couple, in 15 or 16 years.  That's not anything we're going to allow to happen again.  Good friends are hard to find - once found, it's like being married - it only works if you're willing to put the effort in to keep it going and fresh and viable.  I am.

There's another Winter Storm headed our way - I'm wondering, however, when the heck did they start naming storms in the heartland?  If they're going to do that on a regular basis, they're going to need a bigger alphabet.  Whoever "they" are.

Have a good week, y'all.



Big Mark 243 said...

"They" are the National Weather Service and I remember hearing about their reasoning as to why they are naming winter storms, but I did not deem it essential information. I doubt if I will ever apply to go on "Jeopardy", besides, anything less than a Ken Jennings-esque type run would be a disappointment!!

I hear what you say about friends... I may mend fences with Nebraska... but at the same time, I am of a mind that "if something isn't broken, don't fix it", regarding the people who are in my life... folks on the blogs are considered "new" as far as I am concerned, so the rule does not apply to them... and DEFINITELY does not apply to YOU..!

love & rockets!


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