
Thinking, Photo365, Day 67

Things I think (and wonder) about:

The Earth moves through space. The Solar System has its own movement through space, around the Galactic middle. And the Galaxy moves through space as a member of The Local Group. So things that happened in the past, not only happened in a previous element of the time continuum, but also in a PLACE that is far removed from where we are now. The dinosaurs lived not only millions of years ago, but trillions of miles ago, as well. It's why time travel to the past will never be possible. In order to do travel to the past, you must travel to time and place that previous things happened. Time is tied to place - we can never go back.

This thing called consciousness ... is strange. It seems there are elements of our existence of which we are barely aware. I have seen some of those elements for myself. Not ghosts, or anything like that - but I have seen how we are all connected at a level of which we are not aware and it's possible to touch that connection, at times. I use Tarot cards to get there - to touch that connection. I know it's real. I cannot, however, explain it.

The Higgs Boson. You may have heard of it. They are close to proving its existence. It's the 'thing' that gives matter mass. It's the reason that things are solid. It was explained to me like this: Imagine a cocktail party and its in a big room. Guests are scattered around the room pretty evenly. All of a sudden, Julia Roberts enters the room. Guests crowd around her - giving her presence 'mass'. That's how the Higgs Field reacts to the presence of sub-atomic particles.

Guess What ...

I did today.


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Jientje said...

Intriguing! I admire your consciousness. I have been longing all my life for that consciousness myself.
Your photo makes me long for Spring and biking season. It won't be long now ...

Big Mark 243 said...

... at that same cocktail party there was a waitress giving champagne to all the guests... before everyone moved apart and into their own little groups, she was able to quickly fill everyone's glass... or so went the explanation of the big bang theory on "Through The Wormhole"...

...dude, from Tony Zale to the LHC, we would have some conversations, I kid you NOT..!

I need to take my bike in for a spring tune-up... maybe next week...

Tara R. said...

I would have done so much better in science if you had been my teacher.

Maggie Moo said...

Yay! I hope you had a nice ride.

When I get better, I'm going to buy a bike. B1 is a huge rider (did many cross country rides) and would love me to join him but I just never got into it. And now I can't. So when I get better, I'm going to get one so that we can at least ride around with each other when we go camping and stuff. I can't wait. I remember feeling so great when I was younger-so free. I hope it's the same way now.