
Haiku Friday - Perfectionism

Haiku Friday


It was the Word prompt this week
Still ain't got it right.


I'm going to wait to subscribe to the Linky Tools until we get more participation.

Leave a link to your Haiku in comments.


Shadow said...

do we ever...

Tara R. said...

Our imperfections are what make us interesting.

My haiku is here: Looks like rain

Unknown said...

Great one! LOL.... so many strive for it yet so few really achieve it:-) Ok, here is mine http://upinthecosmos.blogspot.com/2011/06/welcome-back.html

Big Mark 243 said...

I have been feeling this haiku lately... living it, even.

Yve said...

Name one person who's mastered perfection...

My haiku is up. Click on my name, it'll be the first post up for awhile til I make the perfect 100 word response to perfectionism.

PattiKen said...

I love this. Talk about the search for the elusive unicorn or the holy grail...

Anonymous said...

I'll never be perfect. I'm not even going to try!

Here's my Haiku

Laurie Kolp said...
