What follows is in response to the 100 Word Challenge, authored by the playful Velvet Verbosity. The word this week is "Game".
This week's guest host(ess) is Aurora Lee.

He stands at the bar in the darkened club, a drink in his right hand, a cigarette held in the two fingers at the top of the glass.
He wears a flashy light grey suit with a black tee, an ostentatious watch on his left wrist, the hand stuck halfway into his trouser pocket.
His smile is broad but somehow false, his teeth somehow falsely white.
On his feet are pointed Italian shoes. He wears no socks.
Everything about him screams "Player!"
He is constantly rebuffed by the women he approaches.
He keeps looking.
It's all part of the game.
Wow - what is a guy cougar called? That's what this guy sounds like. Great imaging, Lou!
I've worked with this guy! He couldn't stop - wouldn't stop - and still had no idea why someone would call him a PLAYAH!
Great descriptive piece, Lou!
… his thin smile masking a shallow sigh as the Eve Mendes doppelganger brush past, twisting her head until it was perpendicular to his. She wasn’t his ‘type’, not only that, she was on the prowl herself.
Flicking his wrist, the clatter of his Philippe Patek lost to the sounds nightclub he spots her at the bar her head held with a poise that is undone by the desperation in her eyes. She does not want to leave the bar the same way she came, by herself or with her girlfriends.
Smirking, he thinks how much he enjoys the game.
Great description, I can picture so many of these guys... smarmy is my word for them... love that word:-)
Big Mark!!! Post it and enter. Love the description. :)
the descriptions of him make the piece sing. I like how you did the last line a lot.
I feel kinda smarmy just reading this. Great imagery.
I've seen this guy in so many Vegas clubs it's ridiculous! Fantastic imagery!
...the kind of guy a friend of mine keeps going after! Sigh.
Ewwwwww.... I could see this guy so easily in my mind's eye, he's so recognizable. Very nicely done, thank you.
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