What follows is in response to the 100 Word Challenge, authored by the bright and sparkly Velvet Verbosity. The word this week is "Bathed".

He stood on the porch and gazed out over his field of wheat, caressed by a warm wind from the south, waving gently in the breeze and bathed in the soft glow of the westering sun.
This was his home. This he had built with his own two hands and scratched from the dirt of the Kansas prairie and this is what he planned to bring her to after they were wed.
He wondered yet again if this was enough. He wondered if she would see this place and decide to stay.
"Maybe. Maybe if she sees it like this ...."
I have just opened a store on Zazzle - Right Here - and my first product is out there for sale - a postcard. Postage stamps are soon to follow - perhaps by the time you read this.
By Monday, I will have opened another shop - this time on Etsy - where I will present limited edition prints, both mounted and unmounted, of certain of my photographs.
Stay tuned.
It's always a maybe at first… Good luck with your business venture!
Sounds like a beautiful place:-)
It does sound like a little slice of heaven.
Good luck with Zazzle and Etsy. Your art and photos are wonderful.
love the term "westering sun" Thanks
and - good luck with the store.
Awesome that you took the prompt of "bathed" and came up with that. It's vivid and conjures up a rich story of the history of our country.
Good luck with your foray into the world of e-commerce.
I know the feeling of awe, having grown up on the plains of Iowa. Very nice imagery, thank you.
I can't pin down what piece of literature this reminds me of, but that it does is testimony to the continuing evolution of your creativity.
What a beautiful place you described!
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