What follows is in response to the 100 Word Challenge, authored by the sonorous Velvet Verbosity. The word this week is "Voice".

Talk to me, please?
Why? What do you want to talk about?
I don't know. I don't want to talk. I just want you to talk to me.
Look. I'll rub your back, like you like. I'll run my fingers through your hair, like you like. But you make me a little crazy with this 'Talk to me' all the time. I can't just jabber on on demand.
Well, then. Read to me. You can read to me.
Okay. I have a book I'm in the middle of. Is that okay?
Sure. I just love the sound of your voice.
Mmm... I just love the feel of this, Lou. So gentle... And I can hear that voice!
Do you know about relationship styles? They're auditory, visual and kinesthetic. This protagonist is auditory and the partner is not (probably kinesthetic). Makes for conversations just like this!
I find this entry rather sexy.
Come on over to my blog. :)
Leave the books at the library...you can talk to me anytime.
Great story.
Very sensual scene. I can see the whole room, the lighting, the body language, everything, even though you didn't even address it. Nice. :)
Visiting through 100 word challenge.
I really enjoyed this. I felt like I was part of the ocnversation
Very nice...I can relate to the "I just love the sound of your voice." side of the conversation.
Very sweet :) I like it :D
OOO,oooo, nice!
Word verification says caressy lol. I think it also likes your post too!
You're such a romantic at heart. Sweet.
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