
Wordless Wednesday - Football Season

Football season is back. Markie and Jack are playing again. This photo from last year is one of my favorites.

In the Backfield


He's just shed a block -
he made the tackle -
three yards deep in their backfield.



Holly said...

Aw, those guys are so cute!

Jientje said...

When I enlarged the photo I saw how young those players still are! Way to go kid!

Tara R. said...

Love these little gridders! They looks so tiny, but determined.

Big Mark 243 said...

They look so determined! Great shot and I can understand why it is among your favourites!!

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

I love watching the little kids play. Too cute!

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

They're so LITTLE!!

PattiKen said...

Oh, so cute. I love seeing the little guys all got up like big brawny NFL-ers,on the field playing there hearts out. Great shot, Lou, with a wonderful capture of the action.