nothing, an afternoon of
mild consternation.
Falcon was always home,
never in the runaway
silvery balloon.
Hiding from his Dad
in the garage's attic.
I am glad he's safe.
Publicity stunt?
Maybe so. But remember,
"The Boy Who Cried Wolf".
Like 'Seinfeld' - a blog about nothing.
Yes, we are all happy about a happy ending, but if the father has a screw loose, it may not be a happy ending next time.
All is well that ends well. I'm glad he's safe.
I had to Google this to read the whole story. ;-)
it was a diversion to mask the fact that the balloon looked like a flying saucer he didn;t want to get into trouble for impersonating an ET.
That was quite a story yesterday. I'm glad the boy was fine, but I bet he's in a lot of trouble today. I will also wager, this isn't the end of the story.
Glad for the happy ending! Hope you have a great weekend!
I had to Google the story too. I had no idea!
I'm glad the little one is safe. But I am also curious if it was a publicity stunt.
That is one crazy story. I caught snippets about it as it was happening. It sounded fishy from the get-go. I'm glad the kid's okay, but something needs to be done about the dad.
A well written Haiku "ripped from the headlines". All I can do about this whole thing is shake my head and wonder why - why - why on many levels.
You know how close that was to my house? Yeah, it was all kinds of dramatic! I won't tell you what I think.
Oh youre good!
What a screwed up mess. Well written haiku.
I've seen the story in the newspaper her, but they got it all wrong.
I miss you, you don't answer your comments any more. I always come back to check, but lately ... :-(
What a nutjob, that dad. Incredible; that he would waste the time and resources of hundreds of people like that. Shame on him for that and the lesson I hope his kids learned. I hope he has to pay for that.
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