

LM(Love Muffin) came home last night after a week in Arizona. Yes, she was gone for my birthday. But MY birthday is also my Mother-in-law's birthday, as well. And LM was out there to pack her up and bring her back to Illinois. So there was a reason.

But I did miss her - and I was, perhaps, a little disappointed she wasn't here on my b'day. But I told myself to get over it - and besides, she was sick of listening to my little joke about becoming a Beatle song (will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm 64?"), or at least the subject of one.

Anyway, the sneaky bugger came home bearing belated gifts. Other than the obvious, she also brought home to me a brand new iPod Touch.

Oh, mama! Spare me! I LOVE this thing.

I'm gonna go play with my new toy now.



Myst_72 said...

Oooh goody!

Have fun with it :)


Loraine said...

LOL Sounds like she knows you well. Enjoy!

Tara R. said...

I hope you load that song onto your new toy... enjoy!

Bama Cheryl said...

A belated happy birthday wish, Lou! Enjoy your Touch! They're addictive! LM rocks (obviously)!

KaseysKrazyMommy said...

Happy (belated) birthday! I just had a b'day too... and I got an iPod Touch for my birthday too! LM and my Honeybear rock, don't they!

I love it! I'm addicted... hope you enjoy yours as well.

Jientje said...

Have fun with it! Enjoy your weekend!

Anonymous said...

you will LOVE it. especially once you get used to reading blogs/tweeting from it. i'm obsessed with mine, it goes wherever i go, and if you remember, it was always in my hand while at BlogHer :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, she's GOOOD!!

Patsy said...

Well, enjoy your new toy. I just want a touch phone instead of this very old (small pic area)flip phone.

Joyce-Anne said...

Yay! A new toy.

Audubon Ron said...

Dude, first of all, your love muffin? Your LM? ROFL.

Second of all, an Ipod, dude that’s serious.

No, that’s serious.

Ashlie- Mommycosm said...

Very cool. My sister has an iTouch and is completely addicted to a paper toss game. Have fun :)

Unknown said...

Way cool, I bet you are having a ton of fun :)!

MissyBoo said...

Happy Belated Birthday. Enjoy your new toy :)

Mrs4444 said...

Wow! What a wonderful gift!! I'm happy for you. In case you aren't happy enough, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!