One other thing. Normally I would respond to the Challenge on Sunday night, because the deadline for submissions is Midnight on Sunday. But weekends are likely going to be devoted to the needs of 'Sarah', so for this week, anyway, we'll publish on Thursday.

"Dad, Angel and I are going to get married."
"You are? Well, congratulations, Son. When?"
"Oh, not until next summer, I guess. She and her Mom are working on putting together a date."
"She and her Mom, huh?"
"Yah, why?"
"Oh, no reason. Just asking."
"So, Dad. You got any advice?"
"Whaddya mean, 'advice'?"
"Well, I dunno. You and Mom have been together like forEVER, and Mom ... well, Mom can be pretty tough to deal with when she wants to be. How do you do it?"
"Do what?"
"Stay married."
"Easy. Just remember 'Yes Dear', 'I'm Sorry' and 'I'm wrong'."
VV sounds like an advertising campaign suggestion for Velveeta. So maybe we'd forget it's plastic cheese.
hahahahah. That's cute. I love this 100 Word Challenge- Maybe I'll get on board next week :)
Loved this!!!
that's one wise dad that...
I read somewhere once that the key to making any relationship work is to let go of being personally right or wrong and to approach all conflict from the perspective of what is right for the relationship. Good advise it seems.
As was your recent comment that brought me to tears today.
Much love
Sage advice.
All men getting married should be given that bit of advice.
FrankandMary: Her VV initials disguise a truly remarkable woman - an activist for women, anti porn and a true feminist.
Heather: Please do. It's fun and creative.
Jientje: I'm glad. Thank you.
Shadow: Well, the lessons have been beat into him for many years.
Velvet Verbosity: And 'Yes, Dear', 'I'm sorry' and 'I'm wrong' are ALWAYS right for the relationship.
Cat: Much love right back, woman.
Tara R: Hard won lessons.
CaraBee: I ought to write a book.
"I'm sorry"and "I'm worng" are perfect phrases for any relationship.
I like it... that 100 word challenge. I'll have to look into and perhaps try it myself.
Oh no, not the 100 word challenge again. I can't do anything in less than 800.
So smart a man :)
Phrases both parties should adopt.
I agree with witchy... both parties should be open to these rules!!
Excellent advice, my friend! :) Mr.4444 would second that!
Ha ha!
Good one Lou.
It takes some people a long time to learn those :)
True enough. Also, go into it knowing how much time you're going to spend outside of ladies' rooms.
Maybe that's why my fights with my wife get so stubbornly out of control. I tend to lead with "No dear", "whatever", "you're wrong" :)
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