
gone fishin' .....

Today is our travel day to our vacation in Missouri. Although I'm going to try to post here each night, I don't think I'm going to have the time to visit blogs while we're away. So, if I seem to be among the missing - if you notice I'm not commenting - it's because I've gone fishin', and golfing, and leering at women by the swimming pool.

I will enjoy myself if SWMBO doesn't kill me.

Now, more than ever, Ndinombethe.


Jientje said...

Have a great vacation, Lou.
And try to stay out of trouble? Hmm? ;-)

Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo said...


have an awesome time!

Shadow said...

heee heeee heeeee, go enjoy yourself!

Tara R. said...

Hope you have a great time with your peeps. I expect to read some wonderful fishing stories.

moneythoughts said...

Have fun and do take some pictures!

Audubon Ron said...

Congraduations on youor son and convacuation on your vacation.

I can’t go on vacation. Hotels don’t take ducks.

Expat No. 3699 said...

Have fun and take lots of pictures...just not of the women you'll be leering at!

Michael said...

Enjoy yourself Lou, its back to work for me tommoz, now no longer its find things to do at my leisure

Nan Sheppard said...

Have fun!

Joyce-Anne said...

Make sure you return with a tale to share about the "one that got away"... :)

Loraine said...

Just try to leer in a pleasant manner so you don't creep anyone out... ;)

Momisodes said...

Wishing you all safe travels!