
Wordy Wednesday - I never know

I am beginning to see a trend in the things I write. I know that every writer has a different method - a different way to write. Some plan everything in advance, working from a well fledged outline. Others wait until they can 'see' the story in their head, whole and complete, and then they sit down and write it. Either of those ways, to me, seem like they're WAY more comfortable than the way I find that I like to write - which is by the seat of my pants and completely off the cuff.

I can always go back and edit a story once I get it 'down on paper'. In the computer, actually. But when I do, I find the corrections I make are minimal and I probably could have just let the work stand without futzing with it. (Futzing - one of my favorite words. It sounds like exactly what it means.) Actually, I futz with it on the fly, along with the writing, on the fly, so the whole thing is 'on the fly'.

Anyway, day before yesterday I started the story, "The Hackney Dragon". I thought the story would be done all at once - one day, one story. But it wasn't to be. I got to the point where the story ended for the first day and I just got 'blocked'. I couldn't figure out where the story wanted to go, so in a flash of inspiration I wrote, "Tune in Next Week". The very next morning, while sitting at work (yesterday), the story just popped out. It wouldn't let me work or anything until it was done.

There was really no reason for the interruption in the flow - except that the story wanted to be in two parts.

There are times when I really wish I felt like it was me that was in control.



Momisodes said...

OMG! First, LOVE the new look.

Second, so sorry I've been gone for so long. I promise to not do this again. At least for a very long time.

In the writing class I took last year, the instructor suggested to not use outlines, or try to see the whole package in advance. In fact, she suggested to write in a similar fashion that you've just described :)

Unknown said...

Sometimes, the brain just wants to hold some ideas in reserve...

Eric S. said...

I think you have just figured out my problem for me. When I'm trying to write a fictional story, I try to flesh it all out, and get a clear picture in my head. Perhaps I should try your method, and just let the story tell itself. It certainly works for you.

Bama Cheryl said...

That's just the way writing and creative inspiration works. I write (not creatively) for a living and sometimes thoughts and insights just come later when you're doing something completely unrelated, like sleeping or having a nice dinner conversation. I think the trick is to just relax and let the process lead you where it will. I like Sir Rodney and the Hackney Dragon. Nice.

Sage Ravenwood said...

Almost all of my writing is an experience, a lesson, a life (mine) being laid out for the world to see. None of it is in a precise order..it's whatever memory, lesson decided it was time to see the light of day. Someone (actually quite a few someones) have said they would love to see it all in a book...I just haven't figured out how to get the toss up into a logical format.

Maybe it's meant to be written in pieces. Just like what comes to you. I find the more controlled, thought out renderings lack something. The ingenuity, the realism that we need to relate. I think at the end of whatever we have written...it's not a matter of how good, rather how much of us is actually weaved between the words. Even in fiction we give pieces of ourselves. (Hugs)Indigo

moneythoughts said...

I would say that there is no one way to pursue the creative process. The writing of a text book would lend itself to an outline of what must be covered. Creative writing is like making love, you don't plan what you are going to do, you just do it. There are writers that use a formula and their work reads like it was produced by a formula too. You are an honest writer with talent and feelings, let your mind take you where it takes you.

witchypoo said...

I truly think the best stories just write themselves, and bring the writer on the journey with them. Don't you love it when you fall in love with a character, having no real idea who they are before you started?

Shadow said...

heee heee heee, i love you! i too wish i was in control of myself....

when i write, i sit down, and 20 minutes later it's there. if not, i'd have gotten up after 5 minutes and left it alone. i'm not into the planning, preparations, etc etc either. but i so want to write a book, book, i guess sooner or later i'm going to have to start thinking and planning ahead, otherwise it'll never happen.

lovely post today! a Lceel-type of post indeed!

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

I am a "plan it in my head while doing something else" writer and then "hope you don't forget it when you sit down at the computer" writer. And then? I usually HAVE forgotten it. It's amazing I can EVER get ANYTHING written that I am remotely proud of...

Allison said...

Frankly, there's no outline here. I write when and what the feeling moves me. I always use some sort of inspiration...Toasted Cheese is my favorite, but I haven't gone there in months. VV's too. Anyhow. There was no discussion of outlines with my Creative Writing classes in college. I write much like you. And I LOVE knowing I'm not the one in control. I'm a reader as much as I'm a writer, and I love learning the story. So if I find out somehow later than the story continues, I'm jovial. Maybe that's why I haven't written anymore from VV's stuff....no more on the Cliftons? Nah...I've just been lazy, I think...


Anonymous said...

Don't you love it when your second self takes over ;)
Looking forwrad to read that story one day :)!

Anonymous said...

I kind of wish writing would sort of take over and have its way with me. ;) I look forward to the rest of the story.

Zoeyjane said...

Like Maggie, I kind of envy that 'need to get it down' syndrome that I hear so much of other writers. Me? Always from the top of my head, whenever I sit down, and it just feels like some sort of alphabetical vomit.

Makes it hard to feel like a writer.

I LOVE the new layout.

hockeychic said...

I love it that someone else uses the words "futz" besides me!

That's great how the rest of the story spilled out. I can't wait to read it.

Joyce-Anne said...

Sometimes I compose something in my head, but then by the time I get to write it down I forget what I originally wrote. I find myself wondering if what I wrote earlier is better than what ends up on *paper*.

Jientje said...

I so wish I had your writing skills and your imagination to write something completely fictional like you do.
Writing a blog post never comes easy to me. I find myself writing and editing the same sentence over and over again, because I'm not always sure I said it right. But the more I try the better it gets, ( I HOPE!) so I keep challenging myself. Anyway, I keep learning from you, from the things you say and how you say it. And I love it!
I'm very much looking forward to read the rest of that story, you really had me at the edge of my chair holding my breath you know!!

Ndinombethe said...

Haha except it wanted to be in two parts - I love that!

Anonymous said...

I love futzing. And, like you, I write as I go - rarely altering anything.

Holly said...

I think a lot of writers feel a story just comes tumbling out. Pretty cool. It's part of the art of writing.

Patsy said...

Please just continue to let the writer in you have control. :)

Unknown said...

Momisodes: Typical. I wind up doing it better by accident than I would have done on purpose.

Suzanne: And other times - it just runs on empty.

Eric S: Give it a try. You have nothing to lose.

Bama Cheryl: Thank you, Bama. You're right, surely.

Indigo: If we don't live in our fiction, then it reads false.

Moneythoughts: You're right, Fred. I never plan making love - it just happens. Sort of. Sometimes. But rarely.

Witchypoo: Yes - I think that's the coolest thing.

Shadow: Thank you, Shadow. You know how I feel about you - but if you're going to write a book - just sit down and do it. Just have an idea and let the chase begin.

Tracey: But I LOVE the stuff you write.

Allison: I need to learn to love not being in control, I guess.

Nicole: Yes, I do. And I sent you an email about the first part of the story.

Maggie's Mind: It's done and I like it. I'm just trying to end it with a little more pizzazz.

Zoeyjane: The new layout is from Honeybell. And Zoeyjane - you are such a good writer ....

Hockeychic: It's a rare word that few of us actually use properly. I'm glad you enjoy it too.

Jibber Jabber: Joyce-Anne, all you really have to do is like what you write - don't worry about what hasn't been written.

Jientje: Your English is almost always perfect. You have always found a way to clearly express your ideas. I am flattered that you have chosen to learn from me.

Tash: Yeah, well, I would have loved it too, if that's the way I had wanted it to be.

AFF: I wonder if 'futzing' means the same thing in Houston as it does up here.

HollyATOM: It does feel cool when it works.

Patsy: And that, dear Patsy, says it all.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see where the dragon story will go...

Laski said...

I do have a space where I write, where the words take on varying shapes as I place them on the page. I shift them around, I toss them out, I put them back in . . . it very nearly becomes an unwinnable game.

Writing for my blog is a different experience. I just write. I let the day, the moment, the emotions, the silly commercial on TV lead me.

It is a chance to let go. I'm not out to impress or to repress. If anything, I think it has helped me with my writing. No carefully formed words, no wondering what others will think or how they will react. I just write.

When writing anything else, I've learned that sometimes the best place to go is where the story leads you. Giving up control was difficult . . . but, the moment you give up the control, you are giving in to the stories and the characters that you've created. And you have to trust that your creation will never lead you astray.

Natalie said...

When you "fly" by the seat of your pants , it is when the angels are carrying you. Probably why there are rarely any errors. :D

Anonymous said...

I'm the person who needs that outline, needs to see it organized and compartmentalized. This is why I don't write stories. I should probably let go of the control and let it happen. Yeah, I'll try that.