Your siren call, in my head.
Mars, you are so far.
I would go to you
Is there air for me to breathe?
If I go to you?
Would I make the trip?
Would I live to tell the tale?
Or die while enroute?
Is there comfort there?
In Valles Marineris?
In your deep cleavage?
Luna orbits me.
She is easier to reach.
Because she is close.
Is that my limit?
Luna, the furthest I go?
My base forever?
Cold, dry and airless,
no hope of ever changing,
But I need her light.
Knowing my limits
Mars is so far beyond me
I'll stick with the moon.
Ishtar Terra?
what an interesting topic. mars. hmmm, rings of little green men to me. and i too would stick to the moon, for many a romantic reason...
I totally want to go to the moon!
That makes me sad.....giving up on the big dream is what it sounds like, settling.....
Probably everyone reads it differently. That's GOOD poetry. (And where mine goes awry, I might add.....)
jientje: Yes. But hearing the siren call.
shadow: Yes. A good notion on many levels.
rebecca: Ask Ed.
Christy: SHHH.
I wonder when we will finally land on Mars, I suspect we will have a Moon base in the next few decades where we would be able to set off for mars from, dont you ever think we honoured to live in such exciting times
Michael: Yes, I do enjoy living in such exciting times.
I wish I had some deep cleavage.
I know it is something we are taught not to do --- envy what others can do, but when I read what you come up with there is always a little twinge, that little something in me that says, why didn't I think of that? And that is why I keep coming back. You write what I think without me thinking it. Then I read what others say (Christy in this) case and think yes it does and again -- why didn't I see that. Enough of feeling inadequate --- I enjoyed your piece and will return each time I see you have written something new. :)
Mars is a man, anyways. You can always try Venus. Come on - YOU would love the goddess of love.
Girls ARE from Venus, Lou ...
I have no idea what men are looking for on Mars?
Oh yes, water, that's right!
elizabeth: I will behave myself ....
Patsy: Then you'll be here every day. Pull up a chair.
AFF: Mars, as an Ideal, can be anything I want it to be. Man OR woman, goal OR dream. Venus could have been a choice, granted, but in this case, certain aspects of Mars make it the better choice.
jientje: Mars is distant, but could potentially be livable. Not so with Venus. Venus would have to represent the totally unattainable. Mars is reachable, and livable, but you must be prepared, you must be strong - and you may not come back.
That *is* good poetry. And I like the moon better, too. More options for take-out and delivery. :)
That the best thing I've read from your pen Lou.
I *loved* this! It's just so cute while being delicious, if that makes any sense. If not, just know it made me feel good inside to read it.
One of these days. Bang. Zoom. Straight to the moon, Lou.
I just knew you were otherworldly... or was that out of this world?
hey lou!!
i'm back. i've been back. but have had some computer issues. plus my blogger acct is giving me some shit. not sure if it is all the computer and what not or me... hmm?? something to ponder.
any who.
love the post today.
i'd love to go Mars. one day I think space travel will be something for the rich & famous, but still possible. i'd love to see it... but not sure about that.
i would love to go the moon too. the moon seems much more reachable. :)
thanks for checking on me, my dear friend. :)
hope all is well in your neighborhood.
i'll be around more regular!! :)
I was SOOO going to be an astronaut when I grew up. Mostly because I've never felt like I belong on this planet. It was a mistake that I'm here... I was meant to be "there".
My brother was born July 21, 1969... just hours after my parents watched the first man touch foot on the moon. Space travel has been near and dear to my family my whole life.
Did I ever tell you about the live feed from Mars several months ago.. it showed a city. It was immediately turned off. I'll have to ask my brother the details, he saw it but we are unable to find it online anymore. I believe there is something "they" aren't telling us.
Excellent Haiku...as always.
Mars is an interesting choice. If my 7 year old daughter could travel to space, she'd go to Saturn. Apparently, the draw there is its rings.
BTW, I've heard about your preference for slow and deliberate and that's all I'll say about that.
Very interesting post!
I loved your words, they painted a magnificent portrait...
This was out of this world ;)
That's it, Lou -- reach for the stars!
I must say I envy you. It is certainly a rare talent to be able to produce Haikus. This one was very pretty! Kudos to you!
Dude. I love this one.
Sad but a bit of dirty in there. *snigger*
Yes, that's what it is ...
out of THIS world ...
That was a little bit sensual, if I may be so cheeky.
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