
Tanked. Photo365, Day 47

Tanked? Refers to the database server at the office. It stopped last night - for the 2nd time in a week. There has to be something wrong with the memory upgrade I did on Sunday. Up late again last night. Phooey. And, to top that off, I'm coming down with something - some crud or other. I'm coughing and I can feel the tightness in my chest and throat. And my ears feel warm. I think I'm getting something.

Don't kiss me.

As for Photo365, Day 47 - it's still the Auto Show. I will run out of Auto show stuff. Eventually. Meanwhile ....

Check out the Cadillac Concept Car with the Suicide Doors.

Didn't Lincoln give up on these
back in 1964?


Post a link to YOUR photo in the Blog Hop below:


Jientje said...

Suicide doors?

Tara R. said...

Is it okay to hug you? Hope you're feeling better soon.

PattiKen said...

I hope that both you and the server recover soon.

xoxox (uh, for you, not the server...)